The books are all behind glass in wooden book cases and the terracotta trim around the windows is as enticing as what waits for the reader. It is hushed and tranquil, the way that libraries were before they became multimedia centers, and there are card catalogs--no computer databases or even microfiche. There are no videos or dvds to check out--only the printed word.
And yet the books range from the distant past to the recently published. Books that had just arrived in my well-stocked Seattle bookstore are available at this library, as well as reference volumes that would make an antiquarian bookseller drool.
This is part of the children's section, where there are regular Saturday story hours, followed by arts and craft activities. It's a corner where I plan to sink into a jellybean-colored beanbag chair and read for hours.
It's a traditional place but certainly not at all stuffy. On Halloween it will host a Solve the Murder evening, complete with cocktails, where attendees are urged to "dress to kill."
Definitely an innovative and sane approach to library fundraising!
2 comments: can call anybody nong if they're younger than you.
Today is actually the first day of building. I'll put photos in picasaweb which I can tell you the link later.
My kitchen is in the main house
We have big windows and there's nice breeze here all the time, so no problem with cooking smell.
The library looks so grand and charming. I wish I could be there on Halloween...really want to "dress to kill" :)
Hello Janet,
You are here... I mean, there, but definitely closer. How exciting. And I also love turquoise. I had turquoise chairs in New York, that I carried to Nigeria, and then to India, and even though they were old and completely destroyed, I still loved them. And that library ! Fabulous. You sound very happy ... :)
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