Sunday, March 23, 2008

My Money Where My Mouth Is

Money is a perennial difficulty for me. Like most people, I live from shrinking paycheck to shrinking purchasing power, and rarely spend much on incidentals. Yet today I just sent what for me is a chunk of change to a man whom I think can make me proud of my country again.
For those who are already sick of the latest Presidential campaign, move on to another blog. But if you think that America can fulfill the dream that it was founded upon, please stick with me for a little while.
I've seen too many promising politicians killed in my lifetime, and with them much of my own hope that we can work together to solve our very real national problems. Today I printed out a speech, written by a man who has the courage to address our country's major flaw--racism.--in terms that are nondivisive and compassionate. By the time I had finished reading it, I knew this is a man to bring the U.S. back to a sane perspective on many things--beginning with racial bias, which I believe is America's original sin.
I have sent a small amount of money which I can ill afford because Barack Obama's campaign is nourished by small donations from people who find hope in his candidacy, like me. Please read his speech for yourself at
You have nothing to lose except five minutes of your time, and quite possibly everything to gain.


Latt said...

Very good speech.!!..
The more perfect union should be supported by two main pillars:the sound economy and the balanced society.But,U.S has been losing the war
with China in the terms of economy.I trust that U.S economy needs a remedy at the same time.
Thanks for your article,Janet.

Janet Brown said...

It's very interesting to me that at least one company in Thailand has a Chinese teacher come in to instruct employees in Mandarin. The days of the English teacher in Asia are numbered--

Kim said...

Amen - hope has been a lost trait in America ... until the arrival of Mr. Obama. Here's HOPING for the best. Kim