Life is a long series of unplanned turns, and my latest swerve from my expected course recently threw me off balance. For a variety of personal reasons, my expected move to Bangkok has become an unexpected move to Mexico, a detour of a year or two before I return to Thailand.
Although it is a plan that leaves me feeling a trifle numb, it is far better than jogging in place in the Pacific Northwest. Much to learn, much to explore, and a way of living that I've been told is far more closely related to SE Asia than it is to the States.
So at the end of September, I'm off to Campeche, where I'll be close enough to my family that we can see each other at regular intervals, but far enough away that it will take a week to reach the US border by bus. If anybody has any information or insights about this portion of the world, I would love to hear them. I'm combing every book I can find but this portion of Mexico hasn't received huge amounts of print attention--which of course means it's a good place for me to spend some writing time.
Hi Janet,
Had to check out where Campeche was on Google Earth. That's a long way from Bangkok so I guess your Tokyo visit will also be postponed. Bummer. At least you will be close to the Mayan ruins!!
My father decided to read "Ant Egg Soup" before sending it to me. Oh well, I have to search for something new to read.
Janet. . . what? Is this the leftest of left fields? Still sounds fun. I'd still be as excited about visiting you in Mexico as I was about visiting you in Thailand.
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