Friday, April 17, 2009

Crips vs Bloods: Waiting for the End

Sondhi Limthongkul, wearing his trademark white garments, was

shot in the head today by people driving by in two pickup trucks. He

Sondhi has been a vigorous leader of the PAD "yellow shirts" and
this will doubtless only renew his vigour--and that of his followers.
Meanwhile the UDD "red shirts" will be more than willing to meet any
challenge that this new tragedy may present to them. And the
real victim will be their country.

I love Thailand. It's been painful and sad to watch all that has
happened here since I returned last October and just when I think
perhaps things may be improving, a new debacle erupts that is even more terrible than the one before.

Thai people are hurting each other. A slow and steady current of
deaths is sweeping their capital city. And tourist industry
spokespeople talk about maintaining the Thailand "brand" and
preparing for the next nationwide Grand Sale.

"Don't worry," they chirp, "We don't need foreign tourists--domestic
tourism will revive our economy." But domestic tourists are no
more eager than their foreign counterparts to pretend all is well
in this very troubled country and jump on the Titanic for a
pleasure cruise.

Red shirts, yellow shirts, what about a touch of black for a
recognition of those who have died in the past six-plus
months. A bit of mourning could do us all some good. There's
a little too much denial going on--and way too much violence.
Or maybe some saffron robes to lead a march and remind us of
Truths and Paths and the Middle Way. This is a Buddhist nation,
after all.

Hurry up please it's time....


Tammy said...

Hey Janet!
Wow, you beat all the US media on this.

I posted my book report on Tone Deaf over at the General's.

Kristianne said...

I often wonder if I'll spot you when I scan the pictures in the News. But you'll be the one in teal.